Monday, April 29, 2013

1. TELL others - ZERO votes to BN/UMNO at GE13

Dear Malaysians especially genuine Sabahans,
There are many non genuine Sabahans in Sabah.
This is the message for the nation at the time of GE13.
It is meaningless for Sabah and Malaysia to have this GE13 when the electoral rolls are loaded with illegal people given genuine identity cards.  You call this a ‘Malaysian’ nation.
How many political parties in Malaysia are legal when many foreigners given genuine identity cards to become members especially UMNO in Sabah?
Why waste so much resources of up to RM100billions including campaigning by many people and many people disturbed in their businesses to conduct a false General Election and this is not the first time General Election is not a farce.
What we want is a true, free and fair General Election?  Cheating by Election Commissions has been the normal business even getting the law changed to ‘no challenge to the Electoral Rolls once gazetted.”  How can we protect thieves by such a law?  Isn’t it BN/UMNO wanted that because of fraudulent Electoral Rolls?
How to conduct a true, fair and free General Election when there are so many aspects of no level playing field and everyone knows that?
We must stop the BN/UMNO for another term especially BN/UMNO in Sabah since grabbing power in 1994 after recruiting the ‘terrorists’ for ‘citizenships’ from across the Sulu sea.  I have used the term ‘terrorist’ as it was used for the “Tanduoa Invasion” after the Home minister earlier said “ not militant, not terrorists”  but later switched to terrorists after the security forces were killed including head chopped off and bodies/eyes mutilated. 
According to Hassnar Ebrahim who told us that NRD’s Senior officer at the time  told him that people from Southern Philippines if given citizenship would one day come back to bite us.  Now we have witnessed so soon as that in Lahad Datu, Semporna etc.
BN/UMNO in 50 very long years had never resolved the Sabah Claim and yet Najib claimed BN/UMNO had delivered to the people.
At one time it was considered that the presence of illegal people is the mother of all woes in Sabah.
Then I consider the Sabah Claim by Sulu/Manila/others yet to be resolved is the grandmother of all woes in Sabah.
Now it is UMNO in Malaysia and Sabah as the great grandmother of all woes in the nation especially in Sabah.
If we want solution, then we should know what to do at GE13.  We as voters who love Malaysia and Sabah should know what to do – give ZERO votes to BN/UMNO.  Lets only dubious citizens vote BN/UMNO whose socalled leaders are traitors fit to be done with in that fashion with total rejection.

Now we come to Sabah’s special scenario for an UBAH.  I think Putrajaya already decided by Malaya alone for UBAH.
It is sad to see the line up in the candidates in most seats giving the voters some headache to decide.  If all voters give ZERO votes to BN/UMNO, then it is a friendly contest amongst the opposition parties (Malaya-based, Sabah/Sarawak-based).  Then we have an UBAH in Sabah’s state Government – congratulations for the 50 years or golden jubilee in 2013 for a truly independence
Why give BN/UMNO zero votes at GE13?
1.       Ask Musa Aman and his task force on the 400,000 genuine identity cards given to Tausug, Suluk etc in 1990s and many of the Project IC holders are voters in Sungai Sibuga.  Is this not a terrorism or treasonous act by Musa Aman in an agenda of trojan horses?  With this concept, how can Musa want/can resolve the Sabah Claim and Project IC?
2.       BN/UMNO leaders did expect the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah to be completed and implemented prior to GE13.  But this is a great disappointment because those who wanted to leave BN are still there cheating the voters with fraudulent electoral rolls.  With the dubious citizens in the Rolls, BN/UMNO imagine sure to win GE13 as aided by Election Commission as done previously.
3.       The dubious citizens are likely bumiputra and so the incoming ILLEGAL Government would only bring benefits to them marginalizing the  local and others as had been done for decades and so why let them be in power again.
Based on 1, 2 and 3, BN/UMNO should not deserve any votes from genuine voters – Sabahans and Malaysians alike.  Let them lost their deposits this time as a good sign of CHANGE or UBAH.
In my campaign for N13 Likas byelection 2001, I hung banner “UMNO to go home”.  Lajim, Musa and many others saw that in All Saints’ School, Likas.
The results for the Sabah state of General Election 13 could be better still if SAPP and STAR (both not Malaya based) compromise on 30 seats with a single candidate now and declare it to the voter.
So both parties sacrifice 15 candidates each so that SAPP and STAR can form a coalition Government in Sabah with other independent candidates as CHANGE or UBAH.
If SAPP, sacrifice 15, there are still 26 and STAR still have 34 both enough number to win at least 35 seats together.
SAPP and STAR, please act FAST now.

Joshua Y. C. Kong   30 April, 2013
PM of IGGG Malaysia; author of 12 books.
The following blogs need visiting urgently:-
  terrorists at work in Malaysia & Sabah and security failed to keep Sabah in crime-free or less crimes
Writings on the Walls Malaysia
GE13 rci on illegal immigrants in Sabah

very urgent for GE13
Sulu terrorists in Lahad Datu.
Interim Good Governance Government Malaysia
where the present leaders are involved and yet they are in or seeking for elected offices.

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